Safe At Any Speed

Safe At Any Speed are a band well into the wheels of motion. A well oiled wagon of rock’n’roll they really know how to make the stage their own. Baring a different look to their usual three piece, the addition of a second guitarist as a one off appearance added a new dimension to the band.

Safe At Any Speed, The George Tavern, 13/09/23

Kicking things off with their latest single “Marathon Man”, they had the audience entranced right from the get go. The combination of Blake Miller’s distinct lyrics and vocals, combined with classic rocky guitars, drums and bass lines creates an all familiar sound, reminiscent of bands such as The Fall, The Velvet Underground and Iggy Pop, but with Safe At Any Speeds own “Modern Twists”.

It seemed the addition of Charlie Curtis on lead guitar gave Miller a lot more freedom in his performance, even choosing to lose the guitar in one song, letting the Curtis take the reigns as he paraded the stage in true frontman fashion.

Blake Miller, The George Tavern, 13/09/23

Speaking to Caspar Courlander (Bass) before the show, we asked about his influences, the most evident being The Beatles. Not only does he wield a McCartney style violin bass, his playing style is very reminiscent of The Beatles aswell as other rock’n’roll bands of the 60’s and 70’s. He stays solid throughout the set and is a key factor in keeping the band sounding tight.

Casper Courlander, The George Tavern, 13/09/23

Ceazer on Drums, like his counterpart Courlander, was cool and collected throughout the set, working closely as a rhythm section to keep the band driving forward with some serious momentum. Both figuratively and literally bouncing through the songs, he provided the groove that kept the crowd moving.

Ceazar, The George Tavern, 13/09/23

Safe At Any Speed seem to be on a war path, with a string of gigs throughout the rest of the year they seem to be on the brink of something huge. If you missed them at our last Far From night, we highly recommend catching them soon before they hit the big leagues.

They have some seriously good tunes on their hands and we can’t wait to hear more brought into fruition, and see how they translate onto record.

Yours Truly,

Far From x

