Restless Taxis

Restless Taxis are a three-piece band based in London, making waves (and a lot of noise) in the underground scene for the past two years. Currently in their last year of music college, their sound and dedication is more than impressive.

Emerging from the underground on the 23rd of November to play our show, the shy bunch took up their weapons. We originally saw them play at a house party, so were thrilled to have them on the line up and see them in the context of a venue.

Restless Taxis, 23/11/23 Far From, Avalon Cafe. Image by Abi Turner

The performance was explosive. With just guitar, bass and drums, they conjured a wall of unhinged sound that rattled the venue. Michael the front man put on a show, occasionally abandoning his guitar entirely and dancing around the stage, accompanied by a symphony of screaming feedback. A Restless Taxis show is a spectacle to experience, a strange and special shower of colours and flavours.

They founded the band on the route principle of escaping boredom. Their influences include The Smashing Pumpkins, Dinosaur Jr, My Bloody Valentine and Stereolab. Restless Taxis holds an interesting place within the genres of Shoegaze, Noise Rock, Slowcore and Emo. Not settling into one of these comfortably by forging their own path within tried and tested territories. At their age and stage of being as an entity they are killing it! 

Restless Taxis, 23/11/23 Far From, Avalon Cafe. Image by Abi Turner


India Adams


Uma Dehaan