Hot Face

We were over the moon when we heard that Hot Face were able to headline our show at Peckham Audio, and it’s safe to say all our expectations were met, and dare I say exceeded. The psych/garage/hardcore/slightly-folky/alternative trio are a trip from start to finish

We first met the boys at their headquarters in Brockley. We sat in on their rehearsal and after the first few bars of the first tune they offered, we knew we were in for a treat. After our own little private performance in their studio/shed, we picked their brains on all things Hot Face. From working with producer Dan Carey to playing shows in Europe. Watch the interview linked at the top of this page to find out what went down

Sam and James during their set with us at Peckham Audio 25/02/24

Their bullet proof live performances are almost scary to witness. How can three musicians be that tight? How can three musicians be so tight but also so beautifully chaotic? How can three musicians be so tight but also so beautifully chaotic and look look like nothing could phase them, even the performance artist on stage with them throwing themselves about? These are the sort of questions I found myself contemplating. And also contemplating my own musical endeavours, as the band in front of me seemed to have eclipsed any musical talent I can muster

We are very excited to see where they end up, but in the mean time we should be treated with some more singles (and possibly an EP…?) at some point from Hot Face before the end of 2024

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