Far From Presents: 21/02/24

‘Come closer, I want to see who I’m upsetting when I’m singing’

With the stage bowing under their weight, the 7-piece PRETYMAN continued the Far From tradition of opening the bill with something more akin to performance art or musical theatre. Though eclectic in appearance (I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw fishnets, pyjamas, and a smoking jacket on the same stage), the music itself was immaculately coordinated, each member stylistically different but seemingly indispensable to the overall sound. Beginning with an interactive James Brown tribute, we heard stories woven into pastiches of musical greats, drawn out character studies, and a fair amount of screaming. This one-band variety show had the audience hooked from start to finish with a performance that was equal parts thrilling and amusing. I can only say that it was thoroughly enjoyable for everyone involved.

‘We’re called Mopes and we’re from Cornwall’

They say you can’t bottle a feeling, but having heard Mopes, I’m not so sure. It was like a single lamp in a dark room, a sentimental warmth that washes over you and says ‘everything is going to be ok’. A unique but well resolved mix of styles, their sound was simultaneously shoegazey and immediate, with original, memorable riffs and melodies allowing the more anthemic elements of their set to shine. Underlying all of this was a gritty, punk-driven tension, desparate to burst out and take hold. And when it did, you knew about it, as a palpable wave of electricity coursed through the audience, enthused and excited by the moment they had just shared with the band.

‘We’re Tooth’

There aren’t many bands who seem to enjoy themselves on stage as much as Tooth - they play with a freedom and a confidence other artists can only envy, and this performance was no exception. Ever reliable, they poured themselves effortlessly into a set that requires no justification; good music for a good time. Their rumbling soundscapes and hopeful lyrics matched the mood of the audience perfectly - a suitable conclusion to a night whose energy and passion shows just why we love the George Tavern.

- Written by Enzo Allen


‘Bikini Kill’ by Miss Bill 04/04/24


Far From Presents: 25/01/04